

नेताको परिभाषा

जब हामी नेपाली जनता, नेता भन्ने शब्द सुन्छौ, हामीलाई लाग्छ त्यो चोर हो, फटाहा हो, झुटो बोल्न सक्ने मान्छे हो, कुनै अपराधिक मुद्दामा सामेल भएको व्यक्ति हो, ठग हो र यो कुरा हाम्रो देशका अत्याधिक नेताहरु सँग मेल खान्छ । हाम्रो देशको राजनीतिक दलहरुको गुण हेर्दा पनि लाग्छ कि सत्य नै हो । हरेक दल तथा नेताले नेपाली जनतासँग झुटो बोलेकै छ, हामी जनताको सम्पतिमा मोज गरेकै छ, हरेक जसो नेता कुनै न कुनै अपराधिक मुद्दामा गाभिएकै छ, भ्रष्टहरु देशका ठुला ओहदा पनि पाएकै छन् । विभिन्न बहानामा विदेश घुम्ने तथा भत्ता लिने काम गरेकै छन् । जे–जस्तो होस् तर नेपाली जनताले दिएको एउटा काम गर्न पनि नसक्ने नेताहरुले देश नै विकास कसरी गर्ला । सम्पुर्ण नेपालीको भविष्यसँग गाभिएको संविधान नेताहरुले गणतन्त्र आएको सात बर्ष वितिसक्दा पनि बनाउँन सकेका छैनन् । दश बर्षमा स्विटजर ल्याण्ड बनाउने भनेको नेताहरु दैनिक जसो संसद घेरेर बसेका छन् । साच्चिकै भन्ने हो भने हाम्रो नेताहरुको चाला हेर्दा लाग्छ गणतन्त्र भन्दा राजतन्त्र नै ठिक थियो, प्रजातन्त्र तथा बहुदल भन्दा एक दलिय प्रणली नै ठिक थियो । नेताहरुको झुटो आश्वाश्न सुन्दा–सुन्...

Why not ME "Must Watch Video"

I really do not know the source of the video but it is inspire able. i request each and everyone please watch this at once. "Why not ME"

Non-Probability Sampling

Non-Probability Sampling Non-Probability Sampling methods can be useful when descriptive comments about the sample itself are desired. They are quick, inexpensive, and convenient. There are also other circumstances, such as in applied social research, when it is unfeasible or impractical to conduct probability sampling. The following are the techniques to use  Non-Probability sampling: I.                    Convenience Sampling A sample is selected from a readily available list like telephone directory, voters’ list; however do not follow random selection procedures. The researcher studies all sampling items which are most conveniently available. Most of the pilot tests and pre-tests use connivances sampling. This sampling is easy and less expensive compared with other methods. II.                 Purposive sampling In ...

Probability sampling

Probability Sampling     There all universes have equal opportunity to get selected which we cannot see in non-probability sampling. The researcher may use I.                    Simple random sampling  This is the simplest form of random sampling. The main objective of the Simple random Sampling is to select sample size units out of Population size. This sampling method give equal opportunity to responds to the researcher. This type of sampling is known as Chance Sampling or Probability sampling where each and every item in the population has an equal chance to inclusion in the sample.             Steps follow to achieve a Simple Random Sampling a.        Assign number to each population unit b.       Decide the sample size c.        Required sampling unit can be selecte...


Sampling Sampling is a process of selecting units from a population or universe of interest. Mostly, researcher selects only few items from universe for the study. If the researcher select whole universe for his/her study that is known as Census which is not possible to all study. If the universe is very large it is not possible to researcher to collect data from them so they select either probability sampling or non-probability sampling to select respondents to collect the data for the study. There are certain conditions which should have to conduct probability sampling those conditions are: There should be complete list of subjects The size of the universe should be known All elements should have equal chance to get selected Recording in Social work ----------------------

The importance of family farming

Welcome to the Thematic Presentation on “Family Farming”. We the MSW II year student of School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya select this topic for thematic presentation because 2014 is The”International Year of Family Farming”. Through this presentation our focus is to inform about the family farming, importance of family farming, what is International Year of Family Farming, 2014, Objectives of family farming and so on. Family farming is the most common operational farming model in developing countries like India and thus of great importance in the India. Family farming, in all its diversity, is the predominant form of agriculture worldwide. Local and global food security depends on it. The majority of the Indian are depends on Agriculture and most of them are involved in family farm. It is passed down from one generation to another, and contributes to the socio-economic and environmental sustainability of rural areas. Some of the importance of Family farming is listed below:-...


Welcome to the Thematic Presentation on “Family Farming”. We the MSW II year student of School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya select this topic for thematic presentation because 2014 is The”International Year of Family Farming”. Through this presentation our focus is to inform about the family farming, importance of family farming, what is International Year of Family Farming, 2014, Objectives of family farming and so on. 2014 was designated the International Year of Family Farming at the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Led by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). It has the objective of   raising the profile of family farming   by focusing world attention on its role in alleviating hunger and poverty, providing food security and improving livelihoods, while protecting the environment and biodiversity.  The aim of IYFF is to raise the profile of family farming and smallholder farming by focusing world attention on its significant role in eradicat...

What is family farming?

Small family farms are the key to reducing poverty and improving global food security. Family farming includes all family-based agricultural activities, and it is linked to several areas of rural development. Family farming is a means of organizing agricultural, forestry, fisheries, pastoral and aquaculture production which is managed and operated by a family and predominantly reliant on family  labor , including both women’s and men’s. 
 Both in developing and developed countries, family farming is the predominant form of agriculture in the food production sector. 

 At national level, there are a number of factors that are key for a successful development of family farming, such as: agro-ecological conditions and territorial characteristics; policy environment; access to markets; access to land and natural resources; access to technology and extension services; access to finance; demographic, economic and socio-cultural conditions; availability of specialized education among ot...

The concept of family farming

Family farming is inextricably linked to national and global food security. Both in developing and developed countries, family farming is the predominant form of agriculture in the food production sector.  Family farming includes all family-based agricultural activities, and it is linked to several areas of rural development.  The concept of family farming covers various elements. From a sociological perspective, family farming is associated with family values, such as solidarity, continuity and commitment; in economic terms, family farming is identified with specific entrepreneurial skills, business ownership and management, choice and risk behaviour, resilience and individual achievement. And in social worker it is the term which helps to enhance the opportunity for the farmers. Family farming is often more than a professional occupation because it reflects a lifestyle based on beliefs and traditions about living and work. Source: FAO website You may also like  Concep...

Family Farming

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