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चतुर सरकार, मुर्ख जनता

जसरी पहिले पहिले पेट्रोल, ग्यास आदिको मूल्य बढाउनु भन्दा पहिले नै सरकारले २ गुणा थपेर बढाउथ्ययो, त्यस पछि सधैझै विद्यार्थी संघहरुले आन्दोलन गर्थे, त्यसपछि सरकारले आधा घटाउथ्यो । पछि आन्दोलन सफल भयो भनि विद्यार्थी नेता नि खुसी र मूल्य बढाउन पाइयो भनि व्यवसायी र सत्ता च्यापेर बसेका नेता नी खुसी । यसरी चतुर सरकारले जनतालाई सधै नै मुर्ख बनाइ नै रहयो र यो परम्परा बहुमतको सरकारले पनि निरन्तरता दियो ? यसको सम्बन्धको बारेमा हामी पछि कुरा गर्छाै ।  पहिला कुरा गरौ कारोना भाइरसको । कोरोना कहर, दुइमहिना भन्दा लामो लकडाउन, जनजिवन पुरै ठप्प, सानो देखि ठूलो सम्पुर्ण व्यापारीको व्यापार ठप्प ।  सरकारले व्यापारीलाई राहत देला भन्ने आसमा लकडाउनको पालना तर सरकारले बजेट भाषण पछि साना–ठूला सम्पुर्ण व्यवसायिलाई ठूलो झटका लागेको छ । व्यवसायिहरुलाई एकातर्फ सरकारले पिडित बनाएको छ भने अर्काे तर्फ बैंक तथा सहकारी संस्थाहरुले । लगभग दुई महिना लामो बन्दले न त व्यवसाय चलेको छ, न त कुनै आम्दानी भएको छ । कर र व्याज कहाँबाट तिर्ने ? झन राहतको नाममा बैंकले ३ प्रतिशत व्याज छुट दिने भनेको छ, त्यो पनि अहिले दियो भन...

Conflict Theory and Social Work Practice

Conflict Theory and Social Work Practice Subesh Raj Panta Numerous social theories are applied in social work practice at both micro, mezzo and macro level focussing mainly on human growth and development, psychological and social functioning, social and economic justice. Social work practitioners, in general conceptualize framework according to social theories developed from historical perspective to crack a problem for enhancing and creating a change. Social theories are just set of ideas developed consequently in philosophy, psychology, sociology discipline according to human responses towards different situations. Let us take conflict theory as a social work practice model.Since the early 1990s, bulk of civil conflicts have occurred. The nature of armed conflict has changed since the conclusion of the Cold War. Mark Duffield argues that new wars can also be called ‘network wars’ or ‘complex political emergencies’ by those in the humanitarian sector, as these con...


Introduction By Subesh Pant The main argument of this article is that, when practicing social work with local communities in developing countries, it is often necessary to facilitate political engagement in the process of addressing community needs and issues, and it is important to alter the common ideological position that social work is non-political and non-religious in practice, while focusing instead on the fundamental principles of human rights and social justice. To substantiate this argument, the article clarifies basic concepts relevant to the article; discusses some features of social work education and practice and the neglect of local communities; drawing on secondary data and the author’s observations, analyzes trends in community practice in developing countries; and shows that professional social work has largely neglected local communities. Furthermore, it presents five imperatives why social workers should engage politically in local communities in seek...

आन्दोलन र बन्द

आन्दोलन र बन्द नेपालमा धेरै आन्दोलन भए र सबै आन्दोलनमा जनताले आन्दोलनको नेतृत्वकर्तालाई भरपुर साथ र सहयोग दिए । त्यहि सहयोग र साथको कारणले साना आन्दोलन ठुला हुन पुगे र निरङकुश शाषक साम्य भई सत्ता हस्तान्तरण गर्न बाध्य भए । राणा विरुद्यको आन्दोलन होस् वा प्रजातन्त्रको लागि आन्दोलन होस् वा राजतन्त्र विरुद्यको आन्दोलन होस् वा मधेश आन्दोलन होस् सबै आन्दोलनको मुख्य कारण भनेको जनताको उल्लेख्य सक्रियता हो । जनताको सक्रिय सहभागिताले नै यि सबै आन्दोलन सफल भयो । तर नेपाली जनताले कहिल्यै पनि न त शान्ति नै पाए न त कुनै तन्त्र महशुश गर्न नै पाए न त त्यसको फाईदा जनताले पाए । जनता नेताको तथा केही सिमित व्यक्तिको स्वार्थ पुरा गर्ने माध्यम मात्रै भए । काम गर्ने कालु मकै खाने भालु भने झै ज्यानको बाजी लाए जनताले, शहिद बने जनता तर त्यसको फाईदा पाए दलहरु तथा केही भनाँउदा नेताहरुलाई । झन २०६२÷६३ को आन्दोलन पश्चात जनताको नाममा पार्टीगत तथा व्यक्तिगत स्वार्थ पुरा गर्ने विकृतीको असर नरामै्रसँग देखियो । आन्दोलन के का लागि ? जनतालाई सोध्नुस् उत्तर आउँछ नेताको लागि र नेताहरुलाई सोध्नुस जवाफ आउँछ जनताको लागि । तर ...

Opportunities and Challenges of Social work Trainees in Nepal

Opportunities and Challenges of Social Work Trainees in Nepal Amit Kumar Yadav MSW II year School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya Mangalore (2015) Introduction The International Federation of Social Workers states, "Social work bases its methodology on a systematic body of evidence based knowledge derived from research and practice evaluation, including local and indigenous knowledge specific to its context. It recognizes the complexity of interactions between human beings and their environment, and the capacity of people both to be affected by and to alter the multiple influences upon them including bio-psychosocial factors. Social work profession draws on theories of human development, social theory and social systems to analyze complex situations and to facilitate individual, organizational, social and cultural changes." The present study was undertaken by the researcher to explore the learning opportunities and challenges faced by the social work learners of Nepal, within ed...

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