BSW-305 Research Methods in Social Work

BASW 3rd Year Syllabus

BSW-305 Research Methods in Social Work                                             (60+40=100 marks)
Course Objectives:
·         Develop ability to recognize and utilize research as a problem solving process in social work practice.
·         Develop ability to carry out qualitative and quantitative research projects independently.
·         Develop ability to function as an effective team member in designing, data collection and analysis of the research.
·         Develop ability to critically analyze research reports and draw recommendations for practice.

Theoretical Part: (60 marks)                                                                                    (100 hrs)
·         Concept and practice of research in social sciences                                        (10 hrs)
·         Social work research – concept and characteristics                                        (5 hrs)
·         Similarities and differences with social science research                                (5 hrs)
·         Types of research: Barefoot research, Baseline survey, Participatory action research, Evaluation research, Anthropological/Ethnographic research, Feminist research, social emersion and culture sock.                                                                                 (10 hrs)
·         Understanding the concepts of methodology, methods, tools and techniques in research practice.                                                                                                 (10hrs)
·         Research perspectives and approaches: Diachronic, Synchronic approaches; Etic and Emic perspectives, overt and covert perspectives; phenomenal, ideational observation    (3hrs)     
·         Qualitative and Quantitative in  research social science.                                (5 hrs)
·         Research Proposal and its components                                                           (2 hrs)
·         Research process – Identification of research problem, formulation of objectives , research design and conceptual, identification of variables, formation of hypothesis/research questions, sampling design, tools and methods of data collection, data collection (individual based, group based, observation based, document based), data processing, data analysis, report writing and presentation.                                (30hrs)
·         Use of simple statistical method in social research: measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, correlation, chi-square test.                                         (20 hrs)

Practical Part: Research Project (40 marks)                                                          (250 hrs)
The students are expected to carry independent research project in the areas of their interest under the close supervision of research guide and present at the end of the year.
Text Books
·         Kothari, C. R., Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, Wishwa Prakashan, 1996.
·         Rubin, Allen, Babbie, E, research Methods for Social Work, USA, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co,

·         Denzin, N.K., Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, Sage Publications, USA, 1999.
·         Good and Hatt, Methods in Social Research, New York, Mc Graw Hill 1952.
·         Gupta S. P., Statistical methods, New Delhi, S Chand and Co., 1987.
·         Kerlinger, F., Foundation of Behavioral Research, New York, Princhart and Wiston, 1973.
·         Newman, W.L., Research Methods-Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, USA, Allyn and Bacon, 1997.
·         Stake, Robert E., The Art of Case Study Research, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1995.
·         Whyte, W. (ed), Participatory Action Research, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1991.
·         Young, P.V., Scientific Social Survey and Research, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1968.

TU Syllabus

BSW 301 Concepts and principles of Social Work

BSW-302 Methods of Social Work

BSW-303 Integrated Social Work Practice

BSW-304 Social welfare Administration Practice

BSW-306 Development Perspectives in Social Work

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