BSW-303 Integrated Social Work Practice

BASW 2nd Year Syllabus

BSW-303 Integrated Social Work Practice (100 marks)
Course Objectives:
·         Understanding and appreciating the holistic and integrated practice of social work and selective use of methods.
·         Understanding the utilization of the tools of social analysis at micro and macro levels in relation to a specific target group facing a problem/issue.
·         Develop ability to plan out concrete tasks in relation to the strategies of intervention identified.
·         Develop the concept of values of justice and commitment to the development, welfare and empowerment of the marginal groups in Nepali society.

Theoretical Part: (60 marks)   (100 hrs)
·         Changing trends in social work practice: Indigenous practices in Nepal and induced models, welfare, development, radical practice for empowerment                    (15 hrs)
·         Frame of reference for social work practice.                                                  (10 hrs)
·         Understanding systematic marginalization of vulnerable groups (sexism, racism, ethnocentisim, classism, casteism, ageism etc)                                                   (10 hrs)
·         Basic tools of analysis of different systems                                                               (10 hrs)
·         Integrated social work practice-micro, mezo, macro                                      (20 hrs)
·         Perspectives for problem solving: different approaches existing in the field, efforts of government and voluntary groups/organizations- national/international (policies, legislation, international treaties,etc).                                                                    (12 hrs)
·         Concept of Crisis Intervention and management.                                          (10 hrs)
·         Use of 'Self' in social work practice.                                                               (3 hrs)
·         Concept of designing social work intervention strategies.                             (10 hrs)

Practical Part: (40 marks)   (250 hrs)
One of the problem areas of work can be identified by the students to work on at the end of academic year. Besides the classroom input the students are required to do personal reading to prepare a Comprehensive seminar paper on the problem identified for work. This paper along with the bibliography/references is presented towards the end of the semester in a seminar from.

Text Books
Johnson, Louise C., Social Work Practice: A Generalist Approach, Massachusetts, Allyn and Bacon, 1983.
 Skidmore R.A. (et. al), Introduction to Social Work, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1988.

·         Gambrill, E. and Pruger, R. (eds), Controversial Issues in Social Works, USA, Allyn and Bacon, 1992. Roberts R. W. and Nee R. H. (ed), Theories of Social Casework, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1970.
·         Gilliland B.E. and James R.K., Crisis intervention Strategies, USA, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1997.
·         Krist-Ashman and Hull, Understanding Generalist Practice, Chicago Nelson-Hall Publishers, 1993.
·         Manor, J., Power Poverty and poison: Disaster and Response in an Indian City, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1993.
·         Parad, H. A., Crisis Intervention, New York, Family Services Association of America, 1965.
·         Roberts R.W. and Nee R. H. (ed), Theories of Social Casework, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1970.

·         Suppe M.A. and wells C. C., The Social Work Experience: An Introduction to Profession and its Relationship to Social Welfare Policy, USA, Mc.Graw-Hall Companies Inc., 1996.

TU Syllabus


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