Purpose and scope of Research
Purpose and scope of Research
Research is an art of scientific
investigation. In a more descriptive way research means an intensive and
powerful search for knowledge and understanding of social and physical
phenomena. In social science, research is a scientific method of exploring, analyzing
and conceptualizing social life in order to extend, correct or verify
The Webster’s Dictionary meaning
of research “ a careful critical inquiry or explanation in seeking facts and principles;
diligent investigation in order to ascertain something”.
Similarly, the Advance learner’s
Dictionary meaning of research “a careful investigation or inquiry especially
through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”.
In broader perspective, the
research is continuous search for knowledge and understanding of
The nature (understanding the nature and try
modeling out)
The reason for ( why we need to understand) and,
The consequences of any particular set of
circumstances (likely outcome)
PV young defines research as a
scientific understanding which by means of systematic technique seeks to:
Discover new facts and verified old ones
Analyze their sequence and causal explanation,
Develop new scientific tools, concepts and
In summary, the term “Research” refers
to the systematic method of identification of the problem, formulating
hypothesis (where applicable), collecting the facts or data, analyzing it, and
reaching to conclusion , either solution(s) of the identified problem or
establishing generalization for future research.
Purpose of Research
The very purpose of research is
to find out the hidden truth through the application of scientific procedures.
However, a research study is to make advancement in the existing body of
knowledge, especially on the following:
Verification and validation of existing
Test of hypothesis of causal relationship
between variables
Correct interpretation of information
Revise conclusion, theories, laws if necessary
Finding practical application of the findings of
others research
Scope of Research
Scientific research has wider
application in numerous fields. The research may cover academic field
(formulation of new theories), business and enterprises (market studies),
social phenomenon (anthropology, psychology, management etc.), policy formulation
(policy recommendation).
(Note: this resource is copied
from my old note. If you have any notes regarding social work, you also can share with us either in comment or through contact)
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