Relationship between Sociology & Social Work Aashish Dahal, Nava Kshitiz College, Bardibas Sociology & Social Work are the two disciplines concerned with social problems, social structure and how individuals respond to and live within cultural and structural limitations. If we look closer to both the terms, both of them deal with the relationship between Theory & Practice. Theory and practice are often mutually exclusive. If one deals with theory, it might be interpreted as one cannot at the same time work practically. On the other hand, when we act in practical work, the theoretical background is often overlooked. Hence; how do Theory & Practice interplay within the disciplines of Social Work and sociology? Let’s See!!! Photo source: Social work is a profession concerned with the aim to solve personal, family, community problems to attain satisfying personal, group and common relationships through social work practice. Sociology is ...
"If you didn't write it down, it didn't happen." The statement shows the power of documentation or recording or reporting in any field. And especially in social work, where we deal with individuals, families, groups and communities, they all are different from previous case that might be in nature, cause, process and so on. And the recording of each and every event with clients can be used for the future reference in sorting out the problems of client. Image is taken from Types of Record 1. Process Record 2. Problem Oriented Record 3. Summative Record 4. Diagnostic Summary 5. Goal Oriented Recording 6. Narrative Recording 7. Role Recording 1. PROCESS RECORD · Process record is one method by which you can record the conte...
Differentiate between Community Organisation and Community Development There are many similarities between community organisation and community development. But for theoretical purpose it is possible to differentiate between community organisation and community development a) Community organisation is a method of social work but community development is a program for a planned change. Image taken from b) Community organisation emphasizes the processes, but community development emphasizes the end or goals. c) Community organizers’ are mostly social workers and social change agents, But community development personnel can be from other professions including agricultural experts, veterinary experts, and other technical experts. d) Community organisation is not time bound. It is achieved step by step according to the pace of the people. But community development is time bound and time is specified for achieving the development objectives. e) In community organisation peopl...
purpose of group work 1. To teach the individuals to live, to work together and to participate in the activities of a group for their intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth 2. To solve problems of adjustment by development of individual's personality through the group process 3. To prepare the individual to learn to share responsibility 4. To develop one's inherent leadership qualities 5. To make creative use of people's leisure time 6. To teach division of labor and specialization of roles 7. To teach democratic functioning 8. To provide substitute for family in a industrial and urban settings 9. To help people to develop physical, mental and emotional adjustment 10. To increase people's social consciousness 11. To educate people in social action and social change 12. To provide opportunity for individual empowerment, and growth in self-esteem and self-confidence 13. To provide resources for learning 14. To develop consistency and predictability of individu...
"If you didn't write it down, it didn't happen." The statement shows the power of documentation or recording or reporting in any field. And especially in social work, where we deal with individuals, families, groups and communities, they all are different from previous case that might be in nature, cause, process and so on. And the recording of each and every event with clients can be used for the future reference in sorting out the problems of client. Image is taken from What is recording? A record literally means ‘a formal writing of any fact or proceeding’ and when used as a verb means ‘to set down in writing or other permanent form’. The Social Work Dictionary (2014) defines recording as “the process of putting in writing and keeping on file relevant information about the client; the problem; the prognosis; the intervention plan; the progress of treatment; the social, economic, and health factors that contribute to the situation; ...
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