
Showing posts from November, 2017


BSW-303 Integrated Social Work Practice

BASW 2nd Year Syllabus BSW-303 Integrated Social Work Practice (100 marks) Course Objectives: ·          Understanding and appreciating the holistic and integrated practice of social work and selective use of methods. ·          Understanding the utilization of the tools of social analysis at micro and macro levels in relation to a specific target group facing a problem/issue. ·          Develop ability to plan out concrete tasks in relation to the strategies of intervention identified. ·          Develop the concept of values of justice and commitment to the development, welfare and empowerment of the marginal groups in Nepali society. Theoretical Part:  (60 marks)   (100 hrs) ·          Changing trends in social work practice: Indigenous practices in Nepal and induced model...

BSW-302 Methods of Social Work

BASW Syllabus BSW-302 Methods of Social Work (100 marks) Course Objectives: ·          Understanding the characteristics, applicability and significance of methods of social work with individuals, family, groups, communities and organizations. ·          Develop ability to establish, maintain and manage different relationship with concerned stakeholders during intervention. ·          Understand the problem solving process and develop skills of identifying the problem of injustice faced by individuals, groups and communities. ·          Develop ability to work with communities and formal organization in the context of their power structures, dynamics leadership and problems. ·          Appreciate the work with individuals, families, groups, communities and organization as an effective metho...

BSW 301 Concepts and principles of Social Work

Syllabus OF BA Social Work (Tribhuvan University) BSW 301 Concepts and principles of Social Work   (100 marks) Course Objectives: 1.       Understanding the basic concepts of Social Work; Principles, Methods, and Practice. 2.       Developing ability to utilize the service system by those affected by the problem. 3.       Understanding the techniques and developing abilities to use of problem solving skills in social work. 4.       Developing sensitivity; respect to individuals, valuing freedom, justice, equally and fellowship, and commitment to profession. 5.       Developing self-awareness in relation to one's own psychosocial background while responding to problems situations. Theoretical Part (60 marks)  (100 hrs) ·          Basic concepts of social work: Social welfare, social s...

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