Sub-Culture of Slum

Culture is a system of symbol or meaning for normative conduct standard having three distinct properties. It is transmitted, it is learned, and it is shared. The slum has a culture of its own and his culture is a way of life. Life of the slum is usually gregarious and largely centered in the immediate area where they found friends, shops, and possible credits. There is a little privacy more noise, sanitation problem. There is a great tolerance and deviant behavior, higher rate of delinquency and crime and lots of criminal activity committed against the “outside world”.
Slum dweller often fail to utilize the agencies (Private or Public), that could be helpful for them. They are also giving more emphasis to ‘fate’ or ‘luck’. They feel that they have only little control over the forces affecting their lives. Unemployment, disguised employment, low wages are the rules in the slums. The saving amounts of slum dwellers are almost zero. The slums are unskilled, illiterate, and lack of basic facilities.

  1. Dependency Culture
The slum dwellers who are accustomed to their dehumanized living conditions do not show much interest on their own to improve on their life. They solely depend for their total welfare either on the municipality or the government or other agencies. They seem to have adoptive a sort of dependency culture.
  1. Culture of Poverty

Poverty is known as the major evil of India. Poverty became the culture of slums. They born in poverty and very few only can move out from vicious circle of poverty. It has always been emphasized that the slum life is associated with poverty and distinct culture. 


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