OAA as Challenges

Everything has two sides. One positive and another is negative. Same here, Old age allowance have also both sides. Positive side we already describe above 2.3 and in this season we mention some challenges. On this research we mainly concern to the challenges while the elder people getting OAA and another is after getting money, the elder could spend the money on their desire or not?

The first challenge is receiving OAA. Sometimes old age people can have problem to receive allowance, sometimes administration of VDC might not co-operate with them, the administration can ask for money, the old age people should walk half an hour/one hour to receive that allowance, the administration might not respond him/her politely, and the big problem is the money of OAA is not sufficient for them in this time when the price rate are being double.

The second challenge might be after receiving money; other family member took his/her money.


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