

World Social Work day

Recording in Social work

World Social Work day

Recording in Social work

Co-operative nature of training social workers

Co-operative nature of training social workers The training of social workers is a co-operative undertaking, including four factors: the social agencies, the incapacitated, and the school for social workers, and volunteer workers.   Successful results depend upon a thorough understanding of the entire process by, and a bona fide participation on the part of, all the people who are involved. If any one of the four leading classes of persons who are concerned fail to function properly in the situation or to be governed at all times by an appreciation of the problems which are faced by the other parties to the unspoken agreement, then the entire plan fails. The main distinction between the work of the volunteer and the regular social worker may be emphasized here. The regular worker should be a specialist doing technical work. The volunteer is in training and subject to be called on to do any one of a variety of things, including the making of visits and supplying the personal ...

Co-operative nature of training social workers

Co-operative nature of training social workers The training of social workers is a co-operative undertaking, including four factors: the social agencies, the incapacitated, and the school for social workers, and volunteer workers.   Successful results depend upon a thorough understanding of the entire process by, and a bona fide participation on the part of, all the people who are involved. If any one of the four leading classes of persons who are concerned fail to function properly in the situation or to be governed at all times by an appreciation of the problems which are faced by the other parties to the unspoken agreement, then the entire plan fails. The main distinction between the work of the volunteer and the regular social worker may be emphasized here. The regular worker should be a specialist doing technical work. The volunteer is in training and subject to be called on to do any one of a variety of things, including the making of visits and supplying the personal contact...

Three Purposes in training social workers

Three Purposes in training social workers (a)     Socialwork is in need of receiving professional recognition. It is characterized by complex problems; it deals with the most serious phases of life; it has far-reaching, permanent results in other words, it has all the essentials of a profession, except full standing. It is denied complete professional recognition because its representatives have not as a class sought thorough training. Social welfare agencies from the standpoint of efficiency suffer greatly because of ill- trained workers. But through the activities of training schools for social workers, social  welfare institutions are able to transform their official personnel from a combination of paid but self-trained individuals and untrained irregular volunteers to an integrated group of paid, thoroughly trained workers, assisted by seriously-minded young people  who are rendering volunteer service under the joint  direction of trained ...

Three Purposes in training social workers

Three Purposes in training social workers (a)     Socialwork is in need of receiving professional recognition. It is characterized by complex problems; it deals with the most serious phases of life; it has far-reaching, permanent results in other words, it has all the essentials of a profession, except full standing. It is denied complete professional recognition because its representatives have not as a class sought thorough training. Social welfare agencies from the standpoint of efficiency suffer greatly because of ill- trained workers. But through the activities of training schools for social workers, social  welfare institutions are able to transform their official personnel from a combination of paid but self-trained individuals and untrained irregular volunteers to an integrated group of paid, thoroughly trained workers, assisted by seriously-minded young people  who are rendering volunteer service under the joint  direction of trained social worker...

Social work as a profession

Social work is tending toward the rank of law, medicine, and the other established professions, all of which passed through a preliminary stage similar to that which social work is now experiencing. Several years ago (1916) social workers themselves were surprised when the report on positions in social work by Edward T. Devine and Mary Van Kleeck was published, showing that there were at least 4,000 paid social workers at that time in New York City alone, 1,200 of whom being men; that there were in New York City twenty-one organizations paying salaries of $5,000 or more a year for social workers; and that salaries ranged up to $10,000 a year.     Social work has suffered from the fact that almost anyone with a little zeal and leisure could qualify. Consequently social welfare activities have often been directed by persons who were ill-trained or not trained at all; who had a single idea or plan which they were sure would transform the world; who primarily sought flatt...

Social work as a profession

Social work is tending toward the rank of law, medicine, and the other established professions, all of which passed through a preliminary stage similar to that which social work is now experiencing. Several years ago (1916) social workers themselves were surprised when the report on positions in social work by Edward T. Devine and Mary Van Kleeck was published, showing that there were at least 4,000 paid social workers at that time in New York City alone, 1,200 of whom being men; that there were in New York City twenty-one organizations paying salaries of $5,000 or more a year for social workers; and that salaries ranged up to $10,000 a year.     Social work has suffered from the fact that almost anyone with a little zeal and leisure could qualify. Consequently social welfare activities have often been directed by persons who were ill-trained or not trained at all; who had a single idea or plan which they were sure would transform the world; who primarily sought flattery and ...


THE NATURE OF SOCIAL WORK The term social work which has come to be the accepted designation for a large group of specialized activities in the field of social betterment was not in general use at the opening of the present century. Two or three decades ago such terms as philanthropy, charity, correction, outdoor relief, care of dependents, defectives, and delinquents, were commonly employed by those at work in these fields. This is at once evident in the names of leading organizations established during those early years—the Charity Organization Society, Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, National Conference of Charities and Correction. When Miss Mary E. Richmond, in 1897, made her plea for professional training she urged the establishment of a "Training School in Applied Philanthropy." The training class which was organized in New York the following year developed later into the New York School of Philanthropy, and this name persisted until very rec...


THE NATURE OF SOCIAL WORK The term social work which has come to be the accepted designation for a large group of specialized activities in the field of social betterment was not in general use at the opening of the present century. Two or three decades ago such terms as philanthropy, charity, correction, outdoor relief, care of dependents, defectives, and delinquents, were commonly employed by those at work in these fields. This is at once evident in the names of leading organizations established during those early years—the Charity Organization Society, Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, National Conference of Charities and Correction. When Miss Mary E. Richmond, in 1897, made her plea for professional training she urged the establishment of a "Training School in Applied Philanthropy." The training class which was organized in New York the following year developed later into the New York School of Philanthropy, and this name persisted until very recently ...

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