
Showing posts from December, 2018


Social service

Concept “Helping the Helpless Feeling of helping others Need a good mind to help person who is in need Definition 1.It is the help given by the society for the immediate relief of certain problem faced by the members. 2.Social Service is the temporary service given to an individual or group in cash or in kind. 3.Thus, the term social service is used to denote help given by a volunteer to an individual or group at the time of need or to enhance the welfare of individual or the community through personal effort or collective action. 4.It does not require Professional training, methods and/or techniques. Characteristics of Social service a.It is a temporary assistance b.It is a voluntary service c.It is a charity work d.No need of specialized training e.No salary/remuneration f.Can be practice by any individual


------------ Portfolio Subesh Raj Panta Child Rape in Nepal Domestic and sexual violence against women are prevailing in Nepalese society. Last couple of years has shown a numerous data of rape and the most effected victim of this inhuman behavior is no other than girl just under 10 years residing in remote areas. Rape cases are increasing by four-fold affecting those innocent people physically and emotionally. The following annotations is based on the recent rape case of an innocent girl followed by her brutal murder. Annotation 1 “Family mourns, and a country recoils at teen girl’s rape and murder” The rape and murder of Nirmala Pant and the failure of law enforcement to diligently investigate the perpetrators have angered and stunned Nepalis across the country. Now the 13-year-old girl’s parents say they are starting to lose hope. T...

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