
Showing posts from May, 2013


Social work as a profession

Social work is tending toward the rank of law, medicine, and the other established professions, all of which passed through a preliminary stage similar to that which social work is now experiencing. Several years ago (1916) social workers themselves were surprised when the report on positions in social work by Edward T. Devine and Mary Van Kleeck was published, showing that there were at least 4,000 paid social workers at that time in New York City alone, 1,200 of whom being men; that there were in New York City twenty-one organizations paying salaries of $5,000 or more a year for social workers; and that salaries ranged up to $10,000 a year.     Social work has suffered from the fact that almost anyone with a little zeal and leisure could qualify. Consequently social welfare activities have often been directed by persons who were ill-trained or not trained at all; who had a single idea or plan which they were sure would transform the world; who primarily sought flatt...

Social work as a profession

Social work is tending toward the rank of law, medicine, and the other established professions, all of which passed through a preliminary stage similar to that which social work is now experiencing. Several years ago (1916) social workers themselves were surprised when the report on positions in social work by Edward T. Devine and Mary Van Kleeck was published, showing that there were at least 4,000 paid social workers at that time in New York City alone, 1,200 of whom being men; that there were in New York City twenty-one organizations paying salaries of $5,000 or more a year for social workers; and that salaries ranged up to $10,000 a year.     Social work has suffered from the fact that almost anyone with a little zeal and leisure could qualify. Consequently social welfare activities have often been directed by persons who were ill-trained or not trained at all; who had a single idea or plan which they were sure would transform the world; who primarily sought flattery and ...


THE NATURE OF SOCIAL WORK The term social work which has come to be the accepted designation for a large group of specialized activities in the field of social betterment was not in general use at the opening of the present century. Two or three decades ago such terms as philanthropy, charity, correction, outdoor relief, care of dependents, defectives, and delinquents, were commonly employed by those at work in these fields. This is at once evident in the names of leading organizations established during those early years—the Charity Organization Society, Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, National Conference of Charities and Correction. When Miss Mary E. Richmond, in 1897, made her plea for professional training she urged the establishment of a "Training School in Applied Philanthropy." The training class which was organized in New York the following year developed later into the New York School of Philanthropy, and this name persisted until very rec...


THE NATURE OF SOCIAL WORK The term social work which has come to be the accepted designation for a large group of specialized activities in the field of social betterment was not in general use at the opening of the present century. Two or three decades ago such terms as philanthropy, charity, correction, outdoor relief, care of dependents, defectives, and delinquents, were commonly employed by those at work in these fields. This is at once evident in the names of leading organizations established during those early years—the Charity Organization Society, Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, National Conference of Charities and Correction. When Miss Mary E. Richmond, in 1897, made her plea for professional training she urged the establishment of a "Training School in Applied Philanthropy." The training class which was organized in New York the following year developed later into the New York School of Philanthropy, and this name persisted until very recently ...

Barriers to Empowerment

Generally poor people have the feeling of powerlessness. These people can be helped to feel powerful to decide their own affairs using community organisation. When they learn to solve their problems they feel powerful. They can develop confidence and capacity building takes place so that they feel that they can solve their problems by themselves. In community organisation, the people carry out decision-making. This provides them with a sense of empowerment. Empowerment deals with providing disadvantaged groups with a powerful instrument for articulating their demands and preferences by developing awareness and decision-making capacity so as to achieve their goal with freedom. Community Organisation results in empowerment of the people. But there are some hindrances like fatalism, illiteracy, superstitions, and caste divisions etc. Sometimes vested interest groups may be a hindrance or barriers for empowerment. The Community dependence, long time effect of poverty, and wrong belie...

Barriers to Empowerment

Generally poor people have the feeling of powerlessness. These people can be helped to feel powerful to decide their own affairs using community organisation. When they learn to solve their problems they feel powerful. They can develop confidence and capacity building takes place so that they feel that they can solve their problems by themselves. In community organisation, the people carry out decision-making. This provides them with a sense of empowerment. Empowerment deals with providing disadvantaged groups with a powerful instrument for articulating their demands and preferences by developing awareness and decision-making capacity so as to achieve their goal with freedom. Community Organisation results in empowerment of the people. But there are some hindrances like fatalism, illiteracy, superstitions, and caste divisions etc. Sometimes vested interest groups may be a hindrance or barriers for empowerment. The Community dependence, long time effect of poverty, and wrong beliefs etc...

The Relevance of Power in Community Organisation

Development is influenced by power structures of the community. People who are influential can mobilize a major segment of the community. There are two models of community power structure. The stratification model and the pluralist model are the   two models of power structures. Stratification model suggests that social class principally determines the distribution of community power. According to this model the power structure in community is composed of stable upper class elite whose interest and outlook on community affairs are relatively homogeneous. According to pluralist model, it rejects the idea that a small homogeneous group dominates community decision-making. But there are numerous small special interest groups that cut across class lines, which are represented in the community decision-making. These are interest groups with overlapping memberships, widely differing power bases, have influences on decisions. Community decisions are the result of the interaction...

The Relevance of Power in Community Organisation

Development is influenced by power structures of the community. People who are influential can mobilize a major segment of the community. There are two models of community power structure. The stratification model and the pluralist model are the   two models of power structures. Stratification model suggests that social class principally determines the distribution of community power. According to this model the power structure in community is composed of stable upper class elite whose interest and outlook on community affairs are relatively homogeneous. According to pluralist model, it rejects the idea that a small homogeneous group dominates community decision-making. But there are numerous small special interest groups that cut across class lines, which are represented in the community decision-making. These are interest groups with overlapping memberships, widely differing power bases, have influences on decisions. Community decisions are the result of the interactions of these...

Concept and Dimensions of Power

Concept and Dimensions of Power Power means the ability to influence others through community organisation. That is influencing community members to act as suggested by the leaders to achieve the community goals. The community power aspects can be studied. This is called power structure of the community. The power structure of the community varies from community to community. According to social workers, power is the ability to influence the beliefs and behaviours of others. In other words, power is the ability to make things happen. Floyd hunter explained the nature of power and power structure. Power appears in numerous forms and in a variety of combinations. Power flows from many sources. The money, votes, laws, information, expertise, prestige, group support, contacts, charisma, communication channels, media, social role, access to rewards, position, titles, ideas, verbal skill, ability to gratify important needs, monopoly of essential resources, alliances, energy, convictio...

Concept and Dimensions of Power

Concept and Dimensions of Power Power means the ability to influence others through community organisation. That is influencing community members to act as suggested by the leaders to achieve the community goals. The community power aspects can be studied. This is called power structure of the community. The power structure of the community varies from community to community. According to social workers, power is the ability to influence the beliefs and behaviours of others. In other words, power is the ability to make things happen. Floyd hunter explained the nature of power and power structure. Power appears in numerous forms and in a variety of combinations. Power flows from many sources. The money, votes, laws, information, expertise, prestige, group support, contacts, charisma, communication channels, media, social role, access to rewards, position, titles, ideas, verbal skill, ability to gratify important needs, monopoly of essential resources, alliances, energy, conviction, co...

Differentiate between Community Organisation and Community Development

Differentiate between Community Organisation and Community Development There are many similarities between community organisation and community development. But for theoretical purpose it is possible to differentiate between community organisation and community development a) Community organisation is a method of social work but community development is a program for a planned change. Image taken from b) Community organisation emphasizes the processes, but community development emphasizes the end or goals. c) Community organizers’ are mostly social workers and social change agents, But community development personnel can be from other professions including agricultural experts, veterinary experts, and other technical experts. d) Community organisation is not time bound. It is achieved step by step according to the pace of the people. But community development is time bound and time is specified for achieving the development objectives. e) ...

Differentiate between Community Organisation and Community Development

Differentiate between Community Organisation and Community Development There are many similarities between community organisation and community development. But for theoretical purpose it is possible to differentiate between community organisation and community development a) Community organisation is a method of social work but community development is a program for a planned change. Image taken from b) Community organisation emphasizes the processes, but community development emphasizes the end or goals. c) Community organizers’ are mostly social workers and social change agents, But community development personnel can be from other professions including agricultural experts, veterinary experts, and other technical experts. d) Community organisation is not time bound. It is achieved step by step according to the pace of the people. But community development is time bound and time is specified for achieving the development objectives. e) In community organisation peopl...

Relevance of Community Organisation for Community Development

Community organisation and community development are interrelated. Community organization methods used To achieve the goals of community development. According to United Nations, community development deals with total development of a developing country, that is their economic, physical, and social aspects. For achieving total development community organisation is used. In community development the following aspects are considered as important. The same aspects are also considered important by community organisation. They are:- Image taken from (a) Democratic procedures deal with allowing all the community members to participate in decision-making. It is possible to achieve this by community organisation. The selected or elected members or representatives are helped to take decisions. Democratic procedures help people to take part in achieving community development goals. Community organisation method permits democratic procedures for people’s participation....

Relevance of Community Organisation for Community Development

Community organisation and community development are interrelated. Community organization methods used To achieve the goals of community development. According to United Nations, community development deals with total development of a developing country, that is their economic, physical, and social aspects. For achieving total development community organisation is used. In community development the following aspects are considered as important. The same aspects are also considered important by community organisation. They are:- Image taken from (a) Democratic procedures deal with allowing all the community members to participate in decision-making. It is possible to achieve this by community organisation. The selected or elected members or representatives are helped to take decisions. Democratic procedures help people to take part in achieving community development goals. Community organisation method permits democratic procedures for people’s participation. (b) Voluntar...

Community Organisation as a Problem Solving Method

Community is the client in Community organization Method. Community organisation solves the community problems and fulfills the needs of the community. Many of the community problems like social injustice, poverty, inadequate housing, poor nutrition, lack of health, lack of medical services, unemployment, pollution, exploitation, bonded labor system, criminal activity, dowry, women and children trafficking, drug trafficking etc. can be solved by using community organisation  method. In problem solving generally there are three basic aspects. These are i) study, ii) diagnosis, and iii) treatment. First the problem has to be studied. For study the problem  we have to collect information regarding the problem. From the information collected we have to identify the main causes. which is called diagnosis. Based on the findings, or diagnosis, a solution is evolved that is called treatment. We consider this model as medical model because doctors study the patient to find out the caus...

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